How can we help you



Find the ideal screening machine for your application: With a wide range of screens to choose from, we configure the right screening machine for every task. We provide efficient and flexible solutions for your processing needs and create the ideal conditions for the subsequent crushing and sorting.



Sensor-based sorting

Our sorting systems get the maximum amount of recyclable material for you. The sensor equipment can be adapted to individual tasks, in order to seperate bulk materials according to criteria like color or material type. As an example, our MINEXX mineral sorting systems enable precise separation of salts, minerals, and gemstones. The CLARITY sorting systems are used in the recycling industry.

View our sorting systems


Fluidized bed drying

Drying and cooling are fundamental steps in the processing of bulk materials. Binder+Co provides energy-efficient machines that ensure consistent end product quality. We develop customized solutions for a wide range of applications - from waste glass and industrial minerals to citric acid

View oUR fluidiZed bed dryers


We process the future.

Binder+Co - unique in the processing of bulk materials.

We offer six elementary process steps from a single source: crushing - screening - wet processing - thermal processing - sorting - packaging and palletising.

  • World-leading systems for the circular economy, designed to process used glass, metals, building rubble and other recycling materials.
  • Efficient screening solutions for bulk materials that are difficult to screen (moist primary raw materials, recycling materials).
  • Leading in the sorting of primary raw materials.
  • Leading in the drying of potash salts and rock salts.
  • Efficient and gentle fluidised bed dryers for bulk materials.
  • Complete range of machines and processes for wet processing and dewatering of construction raw materials.


machines installed for recycling and sustainability

Employees at our locations in Austria, Italy + USA

Countries use Binder+Co machines

Our solutions

Let's work together on your project!

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News & Dates


MINEXCHANGE 2024 SME Annual Conference & Expo

The SME annual conference & expo will be held in Phoenix, AZ this year Feb. 23–29 with the expo being open Feb. 25–28.

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CLARITY - a fabulous success story from Binder+Co

Last week, the 500th CLARITY of the third generation, also known as CLARITY NEXXT, started its journey to our customer Glasrecycling Neuburg GmbH &…

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Two superlative screening machines!

Two superlative #BIVITEC screening machines have started their journey to their destination.

The largest flip-flow screens ever built have 35 square…

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