Internationally linked up and
always in the vicinity of our customers.

Binder+Co has an excellent international network as a company. Short distances to our customers are always extremely important to us. To this end, we are continually expanding our activities and working new markets in order to be close to our customers and guarantee permanently flawless functioning of our systems and plants.
For Binder+Co, innovation is not just a keyword, but also a way of shaping the future through our innovative and modern solutions. Thus, we count on a close collaboration with international specialists in research and development as well as on tightly integrating our suppliers and, in particular, our customers.



  • The University of Leoben
  • Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • Graz University of Technology
  • Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies
    and Image Exploitation IOSB
  • Green Tech Valley
  • Styrian Service Cluster

Grazer Straße 19-25
A-8200 Gleisdorf

Büro und Kundenbetreuung:
T: +43 3112/800-0
F: +43 3112/800-300